Saturday, April 18, 2015

A Soldier, a Sailor and a Chaplain are in a fishing boat . . .

Sounds like the start to a good joke, but it's actually what I did one week ago tomorrow.  You see I am the Chaplain for the Corpus Christi Chapter of Heroes on the Water.  It's a group that works with both injured soldiers and veterans.  I'd like to say that I caught a fish "This big!"  But I'm a horrible fisherman.  I guess it's a good thing there's a grocery store on the way home from the dock.  But I can say that we had a good time serving some 24 veterans and their friends and families.  I was able to connect with quite a few and for a couple of these guys I was able to share with them my love for Christ.  This is but one of the many things we have been up to since we moved here to Corpus Christi.

As you can probably tell from our last post, the transition from Parker CO to Corpus Christi Texas has been challenging to say the least.  This has been one of the most discouraging and difficult times in our lives.  Yet in it, we have seen God do some pretty miraculous things.  For instance when Aleisha's work stopped paying their employees she was able to find a new job almost immediately  You can actually say that God moved mountains for this to happen.  When money was tight we received a monetary gift that changed a lot of things for us.  He has brought us into a new church where we have been warmly welcomed (In fact I just came from a BBQ with a group of friends from Church) and He has provided a mentor for me in the form of one of the pastors.  Even Chris's health has improved dramatically.  He no longer walks with a cane, is able to sleep the night and has more energy then he has had in a while.

In addition He has led me to become part of a local Conservation group where I will be able to build relationships and as the Lord leads, share the Gospel.  I am also working to become a Chaplain for a local Hospice and, believe it or not, despite my back and size the Texas State Guard is talking to me about becoming a Chaplain for them.  It's an unarmed, semi-military organization for the state that only answers to the Governor and solely exists to help the citizens of Texas in crisis.  And I continue to seek out new opportunities for ministry on a daily basis.

We are excited to see what God is doing here in Corpus Christi as this is an area that is desperately in need of the saving grace of Jesus Christ.  And while we are still working through the transition we trust God to lead and provide for us.  As you pray for us please keep us in mind as we continue to make this home.  And please pray that God would continue to open doors for us here.

Prayer Praises and Requests

  • Please pray for Aleisha's job, as she is new and still trying to adjust.
  • Please also pray for Aleisha's eye as she has been having some pressure issues
  • Please pray that the doors for ministry with the Hospice and the Texas State Guard stay open and would work out.  
  • Please pray for our funding/ financial means, that God would make this more stable for us.
  • That we would continue to make friends and connections here for both Aleisha and Chris so we would feel more at home.
  • That Chris's health would continue to improve
  • That God would provide a car for Chris

Thank you for your continued prayers.  If you ever have any questions or want to talk please give Chris a call at 303-791-1108 or via email at  

In Christ

Chris and Aleisha Gentry

Thursday, December 11, 2014

A new home, a new state, a new ministry . . . and crazy drivers?

Merry Christmas from the Gentry's!

It's official, we are now Texans.  I never thought I'd say that.  On November 13th Aleisha and I left our home in Colorado, in true Colorado fashion with falling snow, icy roads and a windchill around -25 for semi-tropical Corpus Christi TX..  It took us 2 days, a ton of tears and over 1100 miles to reach our new home.  This was a huge step of faith and an act of obedience to God and it definitely wasn't easy.  But knowing this is where God wants us makes this move easier as we know that God has and will continue to provide.  In fact, not even 48 hours after we got the keys to our new home, Aleisha got new job.  She had called them on Monday and within a couple hours she had an interview and a job offer.  It was amazing.

Before I go much further, I promised our new address.  It is 8033 S. Padre Island Dr., Apt 505, TX  78412.  Our phone numbers are still the same.  Chris's is 303-791-1108 and Aleisha's is 303-941-0919.

These last few weeks we have been here have been interesting to say the least.  Trying to get used to living in Texas is like trying to get used to living in a new country.  I don't say that negatively, it is just that the environment and the culture we are in is a far cry from what we are used to in Colorado.  For instance Corpus has only two seasons, summer and summer.  We left Colorado at the end of fall, just as the last of the leaves had changed colors and fallen.  Here, the leaves don't really change colors, the oaks, and maples and cottonwoods here stay green year round.  There's also a ton of palm trees.  We didn't know you could string Christmas lights on Palm Trees but people do.  There are a lot of Palm Trees here.  I do admit it's a little weird seeing people in heavy winter parkas when the temperature drops to 60,  People think we're nuts for wearing shorts, t-shirts and flip flops.  I had to laugh yesterday when I saw on the news a whole segment on how to make snow at home for the kids using fabric softener or something.   We miss the mountains and the cold weather but we love taking the dogs to the beach.  Shelby, our Black Lab mix hates the ocean.  Sorry, Gulf of Mexico.  Luke loves it.  We did a drive the other day down Padre Island and had to take a ferry to cross over to the mainland.  As we waited on the ferry for an oil tanker to pass we saw a pod of dolphins jumping out of the water and playing at the bow of the tanker.  That was pretty cool.  There are more doughnut shops here then liquor stores and  the same goes for BBQ joints and Dairy Queens.  The people here are a mix of very nice and considerate and rough and tumble.  It's an odd combo but for the most part, the people we encounter in our community are pretty cool.  I will say though that the drivers here scare me half to death.  People's driving habits here remind me of driving in Thailand.  It's everyone for themselves.  Even the bicyclists ride like everyone drives.  God has brought us to a beautiful place to live but we still miss Colorado, we miss the snow, the mountains, and most of all our family and friends.  But we are here for a reason and that helps us stay positive when we get down.

I know many of you are wondering how things are moving along ministry wise and I am happy to report that God is moving.  To help us move in, the youth pastor at our church down here, Real Life, had asked a few High School students to help us move in.  After razing me a bit for wearing my Bronco's jersey and being a Bronco's fan we got down to talking about what brought us to Corpus Christi.  I was able to share about my health and my ministry working with injured soldiers.  Three of the students shared that there dads where hunters and put me in contact with them.  Now, it appears we have land to hunt dove, duck, turkey, wild pig and deer on and they are big into saltwater fishing, crabbing and shrimping too.  They along with some other students are going to show me how to do all three so we can add these things to our ministry to provide more opportunities for injured soldiers.  I continue to work on setting up meetings with local ministry leaders, hunters and fisherman and in January will start connecting with military personnel.

In addition to re-creating my ministry to injured soldiers I am working to connect with a ministry that takes the sons and daughters of injured soldiers as well as fatherless kids camping, hunting and fishing.  This is an amazing ministry and I can't wait to get involved.  I've also started working with the youth group in our new church.  The church is located in a part of Corpus Christi called Flour Bluff.  Flour Bluff used to be a very rough area and people from this part of Corpus were derogatorily called "Flour Rats."  While many things have changed in Flour Bluff, this is still a rough area and many of the youth I am working with come from broken homes and have very hard lives.  In fact, the city of Corpus Christi, with a population of 330,000 people, has the highest teen pregnancy rate in the nation.  In the short time I have worked with students here, I have heard stories from youth that would make seasoned pastors cry.

In the short time we have been here, God has opened our eyes to an incredible need.  We were already aware of the need to work with injured soldiers.  But to encounter yet another need, just as pressing and just as important has touched our hearts.  And so, in addition to working with injured soldiers, we will serve the youth of our new community, loving them with Christ-like love, being Jesus with the skin on for them and sharing the life changing Gospel of Jesus Christ.

As I bring this to a close, I have below a few prayer requests and praises.  I ask that you continue to keep us in your prayers.  In addition we continue to ask for people to be a part of this incredible ministry, not just to our service men and women but to the young people here who for many of them and in just as many ways have been given up on by just about everyone in their lives and who just want to be loved.  In all my years of working with young people I have never encountered so many troubled and hurting kids.  But we can't truly meet either need without your help.

 As you read this and should you feel led to partner with us you can either give Aleisha and I a call at 303-791-1108 as we'd love to get together with you (If you prefer not that's ok too), email us at or you are more then welcome to go to InFaith's website at, click on the donate tab on the top of the page and when you are redirected to to the next page, click on "Give to Fieldstaff" at which point a drop down menu will appear and then just select our name from the list.  You can also send a note and/or gift indicating your desire to partner with us directly to us at 8033 S. Padre Island Dr., Apt 505, TX 78412 or you can send the same directly to InFaith at 672 Conestoga Road, PO Box 370, Villanova, PA 19085.  Please make gifts out to InFaith and in the memo line please write our ID number 08259 in the Memo line.  Please indicate if the funds are for moving, monthly or one time.   As with all gifts to non-profits, they will be tax deductible. 

Prayer Praises and Requests

  • We thank God for providing a new job for Aleisha so quickly.  Her hours though are from noon to 9PM.  It's been really hard for her to get used this, for both of us.  Please pray that God would help her adjust and help both of us work around these weird hours so we meet each other's needs.  
  • Praise God for getting us here safely
  • Praise God for the improvements to Chris's health
  • Praise God that Aleisha's eye is still doing fine.
  • Please continue to pray for our transition to our new home
  • Please pray that God would continue to provide financially.
  • Please pray that God would continue to open the doors for land to hunt on
  • Please pray that God would continue to open doors within the military community
  • Please pray for our work with the youth in Flour Bluff
  • Please pray that Chris and Aleisha can find the right primary and specialist doctors.  There seems to be a shortage of both in Corpus.
A few needs

  • We are also in need of more prayer supporters.  If you are interested please send us an email at or please give us a call at 303-791-1108.  This is very important.
  • Chris and Aleisha are in need of a second vehicle for Chris as his ministry grows.  This will become all the more important when Chris starts engaging in hunting ministry in January.  Crossroads Church in Parker is willing to do an In-Kind Tax Deduction for a donated vehicle.  If you're interested, please contact Chris at 303-791-1108.
         Thank you for your prayers and support and should you have any questions, please don't hesitate to let us know.  You can call us at 303-791-1108 or email us at

In Christ

Chris and Aleisha Gentry

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Ministry Plan of Action

For those who wish for a more detailed understanding of our ministry in Texas I have pasted below a revised copy of our Ministry Plan of Action.  My hope is that by reading this you will have a better idea of who we are, what we are doing and that for some, that you would be willing to partner with us  as a volunteer, through help with equipment, land to hunt on, ATV's, boats we can use, groups we can connect with, as prayer partners or financial partners.  If, after reading this, you feel let to partner with us please contact me at the phone number or email address at the end of this post.



Gentry Ministry Plan of Action

Chris and Aleisha Gentry are moving to Corpus Christi Texas for both personal and professional reasons.  Personally, the Gentry’s need to move to sea level for Chris’s health.  It has become very clear that by living at sea level Chris is able to regain much of his functionality which is key if Chris is to continue in ministry and have a fuller life.  Professionally, Chris and Aleisha feel strongly called by God to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to disciple new and existing believers in the faith so that they too can become Great Commission Christians.

IT is important to realize that these next  steps will take time to develop.  There is, as far as I am aware after my meeting with Real Life Church, not a ministry like the one I propose in the area.  To become fully functional it will take the better part of 10 months to identify individuals, groups, and ministries that can support and/ or join with InFaith for the purpose of reaching and healing our servicemen and women.  As of August 2014, 33% of chaplains in the United States Military had been forcibly retired.  The need is great and the resources available to provide healing are in short supply.  I have included in these steps a timeline by which to measure my progress.  While I have already begun working on each step and have had success in some areas, i.e. identifying hunting grounds, I need to do more.  My goal is to have this ministry fully functional by the start of the 2015 hunting season, 11 months from now.  However I feel I need you to                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        understand that in addition to being called by God to this ministry, this ministry is incredibly personal for me.

I feel I am uniquely gifted and qualified to serve in this area not just because I am an avid hunter and fisherman or called of God to do this, but because of my own difficulties and suffering I myself have had to endure over the years.  This  has made me quite effective in serving in this capacity, which I discovered while serving as the Chaplain for PCOS Chariots in Hoyt Colorado.  On November 6th, 1998 I suffered a traumatic Spinal Cord Injury, loosing a great deal of functionality on the left side of my body from my chest down.  As a result of my injury and subsequent treatment and surgery my nervous system no longer functions normally and I live and sleep in a constant state of pain (Please note that at the advice of my doctors that by moving to sea level my disability becomes less of an issue as I experience more functionality and less pain).  Additionally I have lost a great deal of mobility for which I utilize modern hunting and fishing techniques and equipment to enable me to hunt and fish. In addition, given my childhood and the abuse I suffered, combined with the trauma of my injury I developed Hyper-vigilant  PTSD which was fully realized while working in school security while serving as a youth pastor.  A Mexican street gang marked me for death and attempted to kill me with pipe bombs, and other means of violence.  I lived in mortal fear for almost 3 years, never knowing when I started my truck if that was the moment I was going to die, laying awake each night in fear for my family or going to work and encountering these gang members if that was when my life was going to end.  While I have never been in combat, I can without a doubt understand the affects of a traumatic injury to the body, how it affects the dynamics of one’s relationships with loved ones and family and friends and living a productive life.  I know, after living under the threat of death, the irrational fear and stress caused by such things and live every day with that anxiety.  Most people cannot understand how base these emotions are or how they affect your life in a multitude of ways.  However, the soldiers I have worked with these last 3 years do understand, and they, realizing that I understand what they are going through and have been through, have opened up to me in ways that my counterparts rarely realize.  It is through these relationships that I am able to, without judgement and in love, accept them as they are, witness them show their true faces, and in that atmosphere share the transformative love of Jesus Christ.  It is by the grace of God, by His Spirit, that He has allowed me to experience things that most people cannot even begin to imagine much less comprehend so that I may be His vessel through which His love, compassion, mercy, grace and forgiveness may be realized by those I seek to serve.  The ministry I seek to create is outlined below.

The vehicle through which we are called and through which  this will be done is:

1. Once we move to Corpus Christi to find a home church were we can be fed, encouraged and supported in our ministry and in which we can volunteer through involvement in leading and being a part of missional communities and other areas of ministry in which God leads us to be a part of as members of a new Church home as well as  assisting the church in it’s mission to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

2. Our primary ministry will be to work with injured soldiers (Physically, emotionally, Psychologically and Spiritually), providing an environment in which they can heal through relationship and encounter the Healing power of Jesus Christ by utilizing hunting, fishing and deep sea fishing.

Our primary ministry will consist of three parts.

a. First, we will reach out to existing ministries, organizations, chaplains, bases, and naval air stations to establish a working relationship for the benefit of the soldiers,marines,  airmen and naval personnel we will be working with.  This will include building a volunteer base to help man the hunts, guide and in general help the disabled soldiers hunt and fish to the fullest.  Given the complexity of the situation or goal is to have this first priority in place by beginning of hunting season, September 1st, 2015.

i. I have already identified and contacted Chaplains and Warrior Transition Units at Fort Hood, Fort Bliss, Fort Sam Houston, Fort Carson and am attempting to connect with NAS Corpus Christi, as well as Naval installations in Houston and New Orleans.

ii. I will continue to contact small groups of Servicemen and Women in and around San Antonio to Corpus Christi, to Houston to identify individuals who would benefit from this ministry as well as to seek out volunteers with skills in hunting and fishing and more importantly, with skills to connect to the physically and psychologically hurting.

b. Second, we will need to identify areas, both private and pubic to hunt Wild Pig, Deer, Pronghorn, small game and waterfowl  as well exotic game such as Python, Alligator and Snakehead fish(Which I have already begun to do).  This will also include identifying  individuals with the equipment, ATV’s, blinds, land, boats and gear for hunting and fishing on land, in rivers and lakes and deep sea fishing.  My goal is to have have the above accomplished by June 1st, 2015

i. This will entail working with the Texas Division of Wildlife, landowners, and like minded organizations to provide licenses, gear, ammo, firearms, clothing, ATV’s, etc as I firmly believe in a no-cost policy for the injured soldiers we will be working with.

ii. Part of this aspect is to also provide hunting and fishing opportunities as well as lodging for existing ministries around the country, such as Freedom Alliance, Forward Operating Base out of Fort Carson  and PCOS Chariots all three of whom I am already working with, so they would be able to bring servicemen and women down to Texas for hunts of their own.

c. Third, we will seek to put in place through chaplains, churches and other ministries a support network for these soldiers.  Helping them heal physically, emotionally and psychologically is only part of the battle.  One Chaplain equated it to a chair, each aspect being a leg.  He said, and I wholeheartedly agree, that without a Spiritual Leg, the chair will collapse and the serviceman or woman will collapse with it.  So our third priority is to have in place by June 1st, 2015 a support network in place for the men and women we will work with.  For those servicemen and women who chose to not engage in spiritual matters, I will at the advice of the Chaplain I am already working with, Lt. Col. Paul Franz, funnel these individuals into organizations and programs on and off base where they can receive the support they need, augmenting what we are already doing.  Ideally however, we will through relationship, share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, seek to disciple these individuals and to ultimately get them involved with the Body of Christ.   My hope is that our new Church home would play a large role in this as they are already equipped to introduce people to the body of Christ and grow them in the faith through ongoing Missional Communities.

As you read this and should you feel led to partner with us you can either give Aleisha and I a call at 303-791-1108 as we'd love to get together with you (If you prefer not that's ok too), email us at or you are more then welcome to go to InFaith's website at, click on the donate tab on the top of the page and when you are redirected to to the next page, click on "Give to Fieldstaff" at which point a drop down menu will appear and then just select our name from the list.  You can also send a note and/or gift indicating your desire to partner with us directly to us at 17615 E. Coltsfoot Ct, Parker CO 80134 (Our address will soon change as we move this Saturday into our new home in Corpus Christi. I'll post our new address next week) or you can send the same directly to InFaith at 672 Conestoga Road, PO Box 370, Villanova, PA 19085.  Please make gifts out to InFaith and in the memo line please write our ID number 08259 in the Memo line.  Please indicate if the funds are for moving, monthly or one time.   As with all gifts to non-profits, they will be tax deductible. 

Should anyone have have any questions, wish to volunteer and/or partner with us please do not hesitate to contact Chris Gentry at 303-791-1108 or at  Thank you for taking the time to prayerfully consider this ministry.

In Christ

Chris and Aleisha Gentry

Friday, October 31, 2014

Can't believe we're moving

Well, the time has come, God has spoken and we have chosen to be obedient.  We are moving to Corpus Christi Texas on November 15th.  If you had asked us just a little over 6 months ago when we began this journey if we would move to Texas we would have said no.  In fact I have to laugh that Aleisha once said she would never live in Texas.  But in two weeks we move to Corpus Christi.  One thing I've learned from God is that you should never say never.

As many of you know I suffer from a host of medical issues that can be traced to a spinal cord injury incurred while serving as a missionary in Scotland.  In recent years it has resulted in drastic changes to my health, from my level of mobility, to my functionality to my pain level.  The cold seems to make it worse.  While the doctors know what is going on (They don't know why) we have been offered little hope for recovery.  But out of the blue 2 and half years ago while on vacation with Aleisha's family at sea level I remarkably got better.  We thought it was a fluke.  Then six months ago I attended a conference for our Missions Agency, InFaith, in Maryland right on the Chesapeake and I once again got better.  In fact, within 24 hours of being at sea level I went from not being able to walk to the back of Wal-Mart to being able to do a 2 mile hike.  The idea that by living at sea level that I could regain most of my functionality was exciting.  We looked all over the country, originally focusing on the North East.  Through a lot of trials God led us to Texas where twice I returned to sea level and experienced the same kind of recovery.  The doctors are stymied and can't explain it.  We went before the Lord and sought his wisdom and it was through this that God laid on our hearts not just moving to sea level but moving to the coast of Texas.

In a way it's very exciting.  To think that I will regain much of my functionality ( I still have mechanical issues with my back that will never go away) is exciting.  To think that I can potentially work a full-time job, be the husband I want and need to be is exciting.  But this move also represents change.  And neither Aleisha nor myself like change that much.  As the clock ticks down to the move date I find myself looking at the fall colors, enjoying the cold weather (Even though it causes a great deal of pain) and most of all enjoying family.  Last night I sat with my youngest brother Nick and cried for the realization that I won't be around him as much as I would like.  To say goodbye to friends I have known for over 25 years, to say goodbye to my beloved mountains, it's hard and sad at the same time.  The sadness is tempered though by a few things.

First, that sadness is tempered by the knowledge that we believe God has called us to move to this specific location.  It is an act of faith to step out into the unknown.  I can't help but think of Abraham when God called him away from his home to an unknown land.  While I am no Abraham I believe that like him we are stepping out in Faith, trusting in God not just to lead, but to provide and care for us.  It is the kind of faith that inspired and drove men like Steven Bruchko, George Muller and D.L. Moody.  I know I can't hold a candle to these men but I feel the same kind of drive to do what they did and that is to totally and completely surrender to God, step out in obedience and act.

The second piece of knowledge that tempers the sadness is my wife.  For without her I would be nothing.  The last time we talked about moving out of state she cried the whole way back from our visit.  This time though she finds herself excited.  I am in awe of this woman, her courage and determination and faith.

The third piece of knowledge that tempers this sadness is the knowledge that by moving I can get better to a degree.  There is a light at the end of the tunnel of my physical pain.

The final piece of knowledge that tempers my sadness is the knowledge that God has led and called us to this new place.  I can't condense this piece of knowledge, knowledge given to us over the course of months through prayer, scripture, Godly wisdom and from the Spirit of God himself into a few sentences but we and those who support us believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that this is where God wants us to be.

With this knowledge God has led Aleisha to look for a new job.  With this knowledge God has led me to create a ministry that will bring healing to wounded soldiers.  This knowledge gives us hope and peace and joy.  There is so much more I could write about but for know will leave it at this. We ask for your prayers, for your your encouragement, and if you feel led your support.  In my previous post I detailed specific ways in which you can be a part of our new ministry.  I encourage you to read it.  If you have questions or would like to talk please call me at 303-791-1108 or email me at

In Christ

Chris Gentry

Friday, September 26, 2014

Following God to Texas

It's been a week since my meeting with a pastor at a church in Corpus Christi.  I want to thank everyone who kept us in their prayers.  The meeting was amazing and while we still have yet to hear from the church in Texas we believe that God is without doubt calling us to serve in Corpus Christi.  It may turn out to not include this church or it may.  However the Holy Spirit has spoken so clearly that we can't deny it.

The ministry we are seeking to do in Texas is two fold. One partner with a local church, be involved in whatever manner the leadership deems fit and to continue my ministry working with injured soldiers through hunting and fishing.  More specifically if you will, God has called us to be part of a church, to share the Gospel Message and to lead people into relationship with Jesus Christ.  This is very specific, not generalized.  He has called me to evangelism in a way I cannot deny.  We will do so transparently though relationship, through working to live out our faith and our lives openly, not hiding our victories or our struggles, to go beyond the typical neighbor or friend relationship to one in which we are inviting others openly and completely into our lives and our home.  We call it sojourning together, Luke, in Acts 2 called it the church.

Now that I'm back home I'm steadily working towards raising our support.  I have less then 7 weeks to raise $5000 in moving expenses and $3500 in monthly support.  I know this is a short time frame, however we are convinced this is where God is leading us and He will provide. I will be approaching people and churches, asking them not necessarily to give, but to partner with us.  There is a huge difference between the two.  In just asking people to give, there is no team, there is no allowing the body of Christ to be the Body of Christ.  Instead, through partnership, we ask people to join us in this ministry, it is just as much our partner's ministry as it is ours.  The prayers of our partners as well as their financial support allow us to fulfill the ministry and mission God has laid out before us, the people impacted by our ministry are not people that we alone are impacting but instead it us as a team that are changing lives, sharing the Gospel Message and seeing people come to know the Lord.  Our responsibility to our team is to keep you informed, to keep you and your families in our prayers just as you keep us and our ministry in your prayers, and to be there for you as best as we are able; just as a team would.

As you read this and should you feel led to partner with us you can either give Aleisha and I a call at 303-791-1108 as we'd love to get together with you (If you prefer not that's ok too), email us at or you are more then welcome to go to InFaith's website at, click on the donate tab on the top of the page and when you are redirected to to the next page, click on "Give to Fieldstaff" at which point a drop down menu will appear and then just select our name from the list.  You can also send a note and/or gift indicating your desire to partner with us directly to us at 17615 E. Coltsfoot Ct, Parker CO 80134 or you can send the same directly to InFaith at 672 Conestoga Road, PO Box 370, Villanova, PA 19085.  Please make gifts out to InFaith and in the memo line please write our ID number 08259 in the Memo line.  Please indicate if the funds are for moving, monthly or one time.   As with all gifts to non-profits, they will be tax deductible. 

A Few Prayer Requests

  • That God would continue to provide wisdom and direction for us, the move, and the church we hoping to partner with.
  • That God would provide all the funds we need and all the needed prayer support.
  • Chris's truck has died.  Please pray for a new truck for Chris as he will need one for his ministry in working with injured soldiers in hunting and fishing.
  • For Chris's health, that he would be able to complete the tasks set before him while at a higher altitude, so that we can minister with all we are at sea level where Chris is free from most pain and is functional.  
  • For Aleisha as she had knee surgery in August and is still recovering.  

If you have any questions or just want to talk please contact Chris at 303-791-1108.

In Christ

Chris and Aleisha Gentry

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Calling Texas Home . . . Maybey?

Well, since my last post a lot has happened.  If you recall I was traveling to Beeville Texas to spend time with my Aunt and Uncle and to see if the effects of being at sea level, i.e. better health, less pain and more functionality were more then a coincidence.  The short answer is yes.  I had an incredible time, God healed my body and I had a wonderful, pain free time where God spoke to me in incredible ways, answered a lot of prayers and brought me in contact with many Godly people who affirmed my calling and God's plan for us to pursue ministry in Southern Texas.  Since then we have moved into Aleisha's parents house, Aleisha had a complete knee replacement and my doctors gave me an ultimatum.  Either we move or I look at having another spinal fusion or at the least have the nerves in my back burned away and get at least 4 spinal stimulator's implanted along my spine.  So we are obviously looking at moving and being obedient to God by doing ministry in Texas.

I never thought I'd say I'd be moving to Texas but here I am now looking at ministry opportunities in Southern Texas.  I am here again at my Aunt and Uncle's house in Beeville TX after driving from Denver south, through New Mexico into Texas and down to Dallas where I had an incredible time with the Area Coordinator for the state of Texas, Joe Anderson.  The original plan had been to drive from Dallas, meet with Joe and from there travel down through Waco and Killeen, meeting up with Chaplains to create an off-shoot of our ministry to wounded soldiers in Colorado and then on to San Antonio to meet up with a missionary from InFaith who does small group ministry and a camp.  Next I'd head to Beeville to look at a site for Wild Pig hunting for wounded Soldiers and then on to Corpus Christi to look at a church to partner with and then on up to Houston to check out a ministry there that works with at risk kids and youth.  I'd then check out another church to partner and serve as a home base while we would plant a new church in South East Texas.  A long trip to be sure.  However, as anyone in ministry will tell you, our plans, schedules and/ or agendas always go out the window at the first available moment.  For me it was in Dallas.

My goal in Dallas, besides meeting up with Joe was to find out about other ministries in Texas as well as Joe's ministry.  As Joe and I met over lunch on Wednesday he shared with me about a church in Corpus Christi that InFaith could partner with.  To be honest I was intrigued.  I didn't know much about it but the more Joe and I talked and the more he talked with a pastor from the church's main campus in Austin, the more I got excited.  It seemed that the Holy Spirit was whispering in my ear saying "This is it!"  I started praying about this church and asking others to pray with me on this.  That night Joe took me to a church were several churches were gathering for a time of prayer for church unity and for the community these churches were in.  It was during this time that one of the pastors got up to speak.  As he did, the room narrowed, my senses became heightened, and me heart and soul felt like they were going to explode in my chest.  It was then that as this pastor spoke that God spoke to me.  He said to first and foremost trust in Him, second He said to follow Him and the road he set before me . . . to Corpus Christi, and finally He called me to be obedient.  I was dumbfounded.  I sat there in absolute shock, awe, excitement and peace.  But God wasn't done because as the night came to a close the pastors of these churches gathered around me and prayed and once again this message was spoken to me through these men as they prayed.  I went back to my hotel that night humbled, scared out of my mind and in total peace at the same time.

The next morning instead of going to Waco, I called my Aunt in Beeville and asked if I could come that night.  When she said yes I started the 6 hour drive to Beeville.  While driving I started calling the pastor in Corpus Christi.  While I was hoping to meet with him Friday, yesterday, he shared with me through his secretary, that he was preparing for a mission trip that leaves this Monday but that we could meet between or after services on Sunday.  So I've spent the last couple days praying like crazy and getting ready for my meeting tomorrow.

I really believe this is where God wants us to be.  I don't know exactly what God's plan is for us in relation to this church and as I've learned with this trip in relation to God's plans verses ours, it may not so much be the church as this being the area God wants us.  Regardless, I am confident we are doing what God has commanded us to do.  Please be in prayer for my meeting tomorrow, for the services and that God would clearly talk to both me and the pastor and that we would have the ears to hear and the courage to be obedient.  I'll post here tomorrow afternoon how things go.

As always, if you have any questions please don't hesitate ti contact me at  Thank you for your support and prayers and I pray that God would bless you mightily.

In Christ

Chris Gentry

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Trusting in God in Difficult Times

Well, our goal to find a new ministry has taken an unexpected and rather time sensitive turn.

Due to the large amount of rain we have received recently we now have toxic black mold in our home.  We are both sick as are our dogs.  We have respiratory problems, fever, stomach issues and constant headaches that border migraines. We have to move . . .  now.  To add to matters my health has hit an all time low.  I can barely walk and that was before last night.  Last night while dealing with almost 5 inches of water and mud in the basement I slipped and fell.  I've spent the day in a lot of pain and I've had to wear my back brace.  The house just isn't safe.  In talking to the landlord, a person who doesn't believe in God, she made the comment that "For a religious person maybe I should be asking God why all these bad things keep happening to me."  She doesn't realize that we belong to God and that bad things happening to us are a part of life as God uses them to reach those He loves as well as for discipline where needed.  Regardless of why these are happening I remember Job and I remember James 1:2-4.  Consider it Pure joy whenever you face trials of many kinds . . .  In this I totally agree.  My heart may be heavy, and my body in pain but my soul is overwhelmed with Joy.

The doctors have told me that I need to get back to sea level where, as has happened in the past, my health dramatically improves.  There is no real medical explanation for it but there is precedent.  Both with myself and with other patients at my Pain Clinic.  Within 24 hours I regain almost all my functionality.  The only problem is how to we get me to sea level.

Really, this is a huge prayer request.  Due to the amount of money we're spending monthly on health care it has drained our savings.  We can't afford plane tickets.  I put out there and talked to a lot of people about frequent flyer miles for a ticket to no avail.  So we're looking at having me drive some 1,000 miles one way to a little town in Texas at sea level where my Great Aunt lives.  She would love to have me out for a week or two.

Due to Aleisha's knee (She needs knee replacement surgery) she can't drive my truck, a 1996 ford ranger with over 250k miles on it and a manual transmission.  She can't work the stick. So I'm thinking about trying to drive my truck.  It barely gets me to Denver and back.  But I don't know what else to do.

What happens when I get to sea level is my body heals.  It only lasts for about 4 weeks but it would give me enough time to help pack our house and get us out of here and to a safer place.  We found a place in South Metro Denver to live for 3 months but Aleisha can't pack and move the house by herself.  With my health in the toilet right now I'm of no use.  I can barely walk.   But if I have a chance to heal up, I can be a great resource to her as well as a rock for her to lean on.

This may not seem like it has anything to do with our ministry but it has everything to do with it.  It just seems right now that God is pushing for us to move to sea level.  I've talked to the Field Director responsible for Texas for InFaith and there is currently more openings for ministry then available missionaries.  We both feel led to pursue ministry in Texas but with the stress of my seriously degraded health at a mile above sea level and the situation with the house we are feeling very overwhelmed right now.

Please be in Prayer that God would provide something to get me to sea level, to heal and to get back for my wife.  And for His Peace and Provisioning in all things.  If you have any questions please contact me at


Chris Gentry