Saturday, June 28, 2014

An unexpected Twist???

An Unexpected Twist??

When Aleisha and I first began our search for a new home and ministry we focused on New England..  When we talked about places around the country where we could serve Aleisha said she would in no way ever move to Texas.  To be honest, I wasn't far behind her in my own thinking.  However as we continued to look at the Northeast, God seemed to be closing one door after another.  We're still looking and even have some friends with their ears open for opportunities but we realized that we needed to start looking elsewhere.  As we looked and looked God kept bringing Texas up in conversations with friends, family, ministry partners and in our own hearts.  I'll never forget the first time I told Aleisha that God may be calling us to Texas.  She'll kill me for sharing this, but she gave me the same expression as a deer looking into headlights.  She flat out didn't want to go.  But over time God has softened her heart.  I keep having to relearn this lesson but never tell God you won't go somewhere.

Within the next few weeks I am hoping to travel to Beeville TX, it's where my Great Aunt and Uncle live, and I'll be using it as a base of operations as I connect with Chaplains from nearby Military bases in San Antonio, Austin, Corpus Christi and a few other places.  Right now I feel very strongly about continuing our work with wounded military personnel through hunting, fishing and camping.  These activities provide an excellent vehicle to build relationships and fulfill my vision of providing, in conjunction with existing military support, physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual healing.

I recently had coffee with a friend who is a Chaplain here in Colorado and he summed it up that the four key areas of my vision are like a chair, each aspect being a leg to that chair.  Take one away and the chair collapses.  I ask for your prayers that I'll be able to find a Chaplain and even possibly an existing organization that would be eager to allow me join them in this mission.  I will add though that I will also be looking for small rural churches in need of a pastor.  This is calling that I continue to have and to be honest I am looking forward to getting behind the pulpit again.  By pastoring a small rural church this will allow me to also pursue my calling in working with wounded military personnel.  First though, I need to get to Texas.

Right now, due to finances, we are unable to purchase plane tickets for what we anticipate to be a handful of survey/ interview trips.  Not to mention that should God open doors, both Aleisha and I both will need to fly down for obvious reasons.  Above all right now though is the state of my health.  I'm kind of caught in a cycle of, I really don't know how to say this, but it's not well.  We know from experience that being at sea level that my health dramatically improves and I regain almost all of my functionality.  In fact, upon returning the effects last for 4-6 weeks.  My doctors, friends, accountability partners, and even my directors from InFaith continue to tell me that we need to move soon.  At the the very least I need get away for a week or two, allow my body to heal and return for a bit to raise support and develop partners for this ministry.  So, we're also asking folks that should they have frequent flyer miles they can spare to please consider donating some miles for a ticket or two.  If you'd like to help with this please call me at 303-791-1108 or email me  If you are unable to help in this manner, please be in prayer that God would provide.

Our next newsletter is done and we are just waiting for July 9th to role around, my next paycheck, so we can send them out.  So please be looking for our next newsletter after this date.

Some prayer requests in the mean time.

  1. Please pray for doors to open in Texas if this is where God wants us.
  2. For plane tickets
  3. Please pray for the health of both of us.  I've gone into great length regarding my health in both the previous post and this one but Aleisha is in need of a knee replacement.  Her copay is out of this world and right now we can't afford it.  She also needs work done on her eye.
  4. Please be in prayer for our finances as my health costs from medication, to insurance to co-pays, tests, procedures and so forth are killing us.  We can expect huge financial relief once we move.  But in the mean time it has seriously eaten away at our savings.
  5. Finally, be in prayer that God would provide ministry partners, people who feel called of God to support us and our ministry through prayer and finances.  Each partner is not just another donor, but part of a team that God brings together to accomplish His Will.  This is a sacred partnership and we know God is already at work in the hearts of those who join us in this fight to bring healing and the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to those He loves.  

As always, thank you for your time and prayers.  If you get a chance, check out our twitter feed at dumdog77 or at #iamdumdog.  And should you have any questions please don't hesitate to drop us a line at 303-791-1108 or at


Chris and Aleisha Gentry